Party Hats/Knumears/Vs Self/No Place Like Home
This show took place on July 16th, 2022, at a house in Denton. This was probably my favorite show of the summer, as I deeply loved every band that played and I got to go with some of my favorite people. The first band that played was No Place Like Home, a local instrumental math rock band. I've seen them many times and they never fail to impress me with their talent. After that Knumears, a California screamo band, played and blew me away. The heat in the house had made everyone sweaty but we still watched in awe as they played their hearts out like they were playing to a stadium instead of a living room. Next up was Vs Self, another California screamo band, and I have never seen more passion from a two person performance in my life. It felt like I was watching something out a movie as their passion was matched by the crowd screaming along to the lyrics. Finally, Party Hats, my favorite local band, gave one of the best performances I've ever seen from them. At that point everyone was drenched from sweat, genuinely dripping onto the floor, but still we moshed and we sang along and we smiled from ear to ear the entire time. Seeing these bands with my friends was unforgettable, and I am so thankful that I got to be there everyday.
I also got to film songs from all of the bands that played, and you can watch them here